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Ruta de la Fauna

230 m
Cumulative ascent
230 m
Cumulative descent
-230 m
Altitude at start
1395 m
Altitude at finish
1395 m

A journey that, starting in Durro, largely follows the interpretation route of La Fauna and visits the Romanesque hermitage of Sant Quirc. A short route, and without great differences in height, but demanding as there are stretches of road with considerable gradients. In its first stretch, the itinerary runs on the paved trail that, in less than 2 km of gentle ascent, leads to the Romanesque hermitage of Sant Quirc de Durro. From there, a flat stretch by trail leads to the start of a road that ascends to the trail of the Codó (climbing up a 100 metres slope in the pine forest). From that moment, the descent begins, first by trail and then taking a sloping stretch of road that leads to an observation point. After this last descent, where it will be necessary to get off the bike to climb the last part, we continue advancing on a wide road through the forest, which, without gaining or losing altitude, reaches the trail of Durro.  Though this trail, after again connecting with the route used during the ascent and visiting the hermitage of Sant Quirc, we enter Durro again.


Caution! pay special attention in the descent to the observation point, as it is a steep slope!